This page contains important information about your use of this website.  By accessing this website, you agree to the following policies & terms of use, including our privacy policy.

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Neither the existence of this website nor any content hereof shall be construed as a solicitation or offer to create an attorney-client relationship or an offer to provide legal services in any case or matter. Furthermore, no attorney-client relationship is created by your accessing or using this website, including by communications initiated through this website (by email link or phone link, for example) or any other external links to/from this website. An attorney-client relationship will only be created if expressly stated and if the firm’s written Representation Agreement, which describes the specific services to be provided and other important terms of the representation, has been signed by the prospective client and the attorney.  No such agreement is provided through this website.

Privacy Policy

We do not sell or trade your personal information to third parties.  However, this website and the associated software and maintenance services are hosted by third-party providers. We cannot guarantee that information you submit on this website, such as emails or fillable forms transmitted through this site, will not be accessed and viewed by unauthorized persons.  Therefore, you should not communicate information that you consider to be confidential through this website.  A  detailed explanation of our privacy policy with respect to existing clients is provided to all clients as part of our written Representation Agreement.


The information on this website is intended for general informational purposes only.  It is not intended to be construed as legal advice, and should not in any event be considered or relied upon as legal advice applicable to any particular legal matter or situation, regardless of jurisdiction.  Although we make efforts to keep content on this site updated, we cannot guarantee it reflects the most recent changes to relevant laws or regulations in any jurisdiction.  Nothing on our site should be construed as a guarantee or prediction as to the outcome of any particular matter.  With respect to this website and all content herein, Cristi A. Grider, PLLC and its attorneys, employees and agents hereby specifically disclaim any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non-infringement, or any warranties arising from course of performance, course of dealing, usage, or trade practices.  We make no warranties  of the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of any content on this website for any purpose.  Furthermore, by choosing to access and use this website, you assume any risk of being affected by loss, damage, hacking, identity theft, or exposure to or acquisition of any computer virus or other malware threat, resulting from your use of this website.  In no event shall Cristi A. Grider, PLLC, its attorneys, employees or agents be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of 1) your reliance upon any content in this website as legal or other advice; or 2) your access to or use of any part of this website, including any phone, email or payment links, or links to other websites or service providers.

Use of Materials On This Website

All content on this website is copyrighted and is for personal informational use only.  Except as expressly permitted by copyright law, no portion of this content may be reproduced, retransmitted, republished, or used for any commercial purpose without the prior express written permission of Cristi A. Grider, PLLC or other copyright owner, as the case may be.  Our name, Cristi A. Grider, PLLC, and all related marks and logos are our intellectual property which may not be used without our prior express written consent.

Other Important Terms

The terms of use for this website may be modified by us at any time, from time to time, without prior notice. Any modification of terms will be effective immediately. Your continued use of this website means you accept and agree that any such modifications will apply to your use hereof.

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